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The best way to stay on the journey

The Learning Corps

Join us as we dive deeper into issues of the day, hearing from experts and radical peacemakers as they break down the key sources of injustice that keep conflict intractable and model what it looks like to  work creatively for peace and justice.

Topics are focused in important themes from our issue areas;

Reimagine: I/P:

  • antisemitism

  • water

  • property rights

ReStory: US:

  • education

  • mass incarceration

  • voting rights


Dive deeper into the issues and engage expert-level analysis on the key sources of injustice that keep conflict intractable.

Own your agency to promote just peace by putting peacemaking into practice through training, collective practice, and strategic local action.

Develop sustaining and sustainable relationships with other peacemakers building movement to transform conflict.